Hacked Sundays

This a scary flashback for the owner of Penguin Safari:

It appears some very disturbing events have just happened. Apparently RayToolbear has taken control of http://penguinsafari.info, by stealing Flappi282′s (owner of Penguin Safari) password. He also took control of his parent’s PayPal account, and stole$300,000. At first, I thought this was not true, however several people have confirmed with me that he did indeed steal this money.
Raytoolbear tried to make the blog takeover (and the money stealing) look like ‘Predator’ (a Penguin Safari staff member) did it. If it is true that he did steal $300,000, he could EASILY be put in prison for several years. Raytoolbear then went on to post Flappi’s credit card number, and a string of profanity on Penguin Safari’s website. He also deleted everything on the entire website.
Raytoolbear is widely known as an author on one of the most popular Club Penguin Cheats website run by Chrisdog93 - http://clubpenguincp.com/ and also he has over 800 followers on his Twitter.
This is very hard to believe anyone – even somebody who is well known, would not only delete someone’s entire website, post their parent’s credit card number, then steal $300,000 from their bank account.
All I can hope is that Flappi’s parents are able to retrieve that money back.
The Penguin Safari website is indeed back. Also, I would like everyone to know that Penguin Safari was not “hacked” as you many of you think. Raytoolbear downloaded something that contained Flappi’s master password. He used the password creditorials that he came across to login to the website.